Events Honoring Osaze Go Virtual Due to the Pandemic

Geoff Rushton writes for

A memorial march and celebration planned for this weekend to remember Osagie and shine a light on those issues have been canceled, but organizers say they plan to remember Osagie by posting his image on social media at 2:02 p.m., the time of his death. The events were planned by the 3/20 coalition — a group formed to demand justice for Osagie and changes in the community — along with other groups, including Central PA Standing Up for Racial Justice, the Community Diversity Group, The Forum on Black Affairs, the NAACP State College Chapter, DSA and several local churches.

‘Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the need for social distancing, we will not be able to hold a social gathering in his honor. However, we can not let the day go by without honoring his life and death,’ SURJ member Lorraine Jones wrote in an email. ‘Please join us and show that Osaze’s life matters.’

Laura Kirt